Everything You Need to Know About Using a Pipe Screen
Pipe screens are a vital tool for a great smoking experience. Without it, your chances of inhaling debris and ash while smoking increases. So using a pipe screen will serve as a filter blocking ashes from clogging your pipe.
Although hand pipes often appear small enough to stop ashes from sliding through, giving you the impression that a pipe screen is unnecessary, when your herb debris clogs in the pipe's mouthpiece after some draws, you'll understand the benefit of using a pipe screen.
What's more?
Hand pipes save you from drawing too hard on the tube and ending up with too much tobacco in your mouth. With a pipe screen, you'll only need to clean your pipe and remove smoked debris once in a while.
You can buy pipe tobacco online at stores like Smoker's Outlet if you can't visit local stores.
Types of Pipe Screen
There are two primary types of pipe screen, namely: glass or metal pipe screen.
● Metal Pipe Screens
Made from stainless steel, brass, and aluminum, metal pipes screens are easy to find and cheap. Sadly, it's tricky knowing precisely what material a metal pipe screen is made from and its manufacturer.
Ensure to replace your metal screen periodically because, with time, it'll develop holes and be covered with black resin. Regardless of these problems, metal screens are pretty popular because they're affordable.
● Glass Pipe Screens
A glass pipe screen is better because it's safe to use and lasts longer than metal screens. Unlike metal screens that are made with unsafe metals and replaced regularly, glass screens are very durable. However, they're a bit more expensive than metal screens.
If you intend to buy pipe tobacco online, ensure to also purchase accessories like pipe screens to have an enjoyable smoking experience.
Tips on Using Pipe Screens
Metal Pipes Screens
● If you're a regular smoker using a metal screen, consider replacing it every few weeks or monthly
● Don't ever overheat a metal screen to avoid releasing dangerous chemicals or damaging the screen
● If you're using metal screens, check for holes always and ensure to brush it clean frequently to avoid clogging
Glass Pipe Screens
● Don't let your glass pipe screen get stuck and covered with resin
● Always clean glass pipe screens regularly
● Never use a paperclip to scrap resins off glass pipe screens to avoid breaking
● Handle glass pipe screens with care because they're fragile
● Once your glass screen becomes chipped, replace it immediately
Should You Use a Pipe Screen?
Metal pipes are manufactured with metal mesh cut into smaller circles that are often bent and fixed inside your pipe's bowl. So when smoking, large chunks are restricted by the screen while fine ash and smoke fall through.
One advantage of using a pipe screen is that your pipe hardly gets dirty. More so, it prevents large ash clumps from getting into your mouth.
Final Words
If you're a regular smoker, you'll know the importance of using a pipe screen to avoid blocking your pipe with unsmoked debris. To ensure tobacco debris doesn't get into your mouth, buy either the metal screen or, if you can, purchase the more durable glass pipe screen.
If you intend to buy pipe tobacco online, make sure to also get a pipe screen for a more enjoyable smoking experience.
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